It'll All Be Wrong on the Night, by Reginald Frary Available & In Stock
As well as keeping a succession of pompous vicars happy, calming tensions between the organist and the choir director, preventing all-out war between the traditionalists and the modernisers, there's a concert to prepare for. More whimsical tales to amuse and entertain. Reginald Frary has entertained tens of thousands of readers with his hilarious choir tales for more than forty years' and has experienced the real thing in his local choir in Richmond, Surrey for more than fifty years. Reg Frary sang in his local church choir in Richmond for over seventy years and wrote comic stories based on his experiences for almost as long. He worked as a proof reader for a major law firm in the City of London and was at one point the City's oldest employee. He died in 2011.
Available For Same Day Dispatch Monday to Friday. Orders Must be Received by 2pm
Author: Reginald Frary
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
Published: May 2012
Dimensions: 129mm x 198mm