St Etheldreda of Ely Pilgrim Badge, Boxed With Brief Historical Descripition
Etheldreda (or Audrey), was Abbess of the convent she had founded at Ely in the 7th century on the site now occupied by Ely Cathedral. Pilgrimage to her shrine was popular throughout the 14th and 15th centuries and fairs were held on her feast days. At these fairs cheap trinkets, known as ‘tawdry wares’ were sold - the word tawdry being a contraction of St Audrey. This pilgrim badge shows Etheldreda holding a book and Abbess’s crosier from which hang a pair of fetters. The latter alluding to a popular miracle where Etheldreda delivered a man from a London jail.
Origin and Date: Original found in London. 14th - 15th Century.
Depicting a crowned St Etheldreda holding a bible, crosier and fetters.
Size: Width 28mm x Height 62mm
Fixing / Fastener: Pin and Clutch