Creative Ideas for the Family Eucharist A round-the-year handbook & resource, by Sarah Lenton
This imaginative and comprehensive book offers an abundance of resources and guidelines for one of the most important and difficult things any church can do: running a family service.
Drawing on her extensive work in the theatre and church, Sarah Lenton shares with infectious enthusiasm her tried and tested ideas for conducting eucharistic celebrations for all ages with confidence and joy. At the heart of the book is a series of ready-to-use sermons for the feasts and seasons of the Christian year. These include dialogue, props, jokes, and ideas for engaging every member of the congregation. In addition, it provides practical guidance for:
• Creating a welcoming, worshipful space for all
• Developing rapport with children and holding their attention
• Channelling children’s natural energy into learning and worship
• Using music and props creatively
• Interacting with adults and children simultaneously
• Managing noise
• Making the most of the resources you have.
Complete outlines for a children’s mass, a children’s liturgy for Good Friday and an illustrated Stations of the Cross are also included.
Author: Sarah Lenton
Format: Paperback
Published: Mar 2022
Number of pages 384
Publisher: Canterbury Press