Message of St. Bernadette, by Fr Anthony Foley & Msgr Vernon Johnson
Message of St. Bernadette. Christian suffering and Bernadette of Lourdes. Mgr Vernon Johnson’s classic text on what Bernadette has to teach us about suffering has been expanded here by Donal Foley, particularly in the light of the teaching and experience of Pope John Paul II and others. The 150th anniversary of the apparitions at the Lourdes grotto offers Christians the opportunity to meditate deeply on the cross and the meaning and value of illness and suffering. Additional material on Bernadette’s own illness and her writings has been included in this anniversary edition of this classic text.
Author: Fr Anthony Foley & Msgr Vernon Johnson
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 68
Published: Jan 2008
Dimensions: 105mm x 148mm