Employing Youth and Children's Workers A Guide for Churches, by Nic Sheppard & Paul Godfrey
£9.99A growing number of churches are now employing someone to work with children and young people. This short and accessible guide helps churches throu...
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Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Abuse, by The Faith and Order Commission
£12.99While forgiveness and reconciliation are central themes in the church’s proclamation of the gospel, superficial understandings that separate them f...
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Promoting a Safer Church Poster A Summary of the House of Bishops Safeguarding Policy Church of England
£2.99This poster provides an at-a-glance summary of the Church of England's policy statement on safeguarding. It is designed to help congregations promo...
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Responding Well to Domestic Abuse 2nd edition Policy and practice guidance, by Church House Publishing
£7.99The Church of England is committed to addressing and responding effectively to domestic abuse both within its own community and wider society. This...
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Safeguarding Contact Card (pack of 10) by, The Church of England
£5.00The credit card-style Safeguarding Contact Card is designed to be given to leaders, office holders and volunteers, including clergy, readers, licen...
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Safeguarding Learning and Development Framework 2021, by Church House Publishing
£9.99This framework sets out details of the Church's safeguarding learning pathways, and expectations of Church Officers in respect of those pathways. T...
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Safeguarding: A Pocket Guide (pack of 50), by The Church of England
£15.99This small, pocket-sized leaflet for parish churches explains what to do if you have a safeguarding concern about a child, young person or adult wi...
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The Gospel, Sexual Abuse and the Church A Theological Resource for the Local Church, by The Faith and Order Commission
£8.99The Gospel, Sexual Abuse and the Church has been written by the Faith and Order Commission of the Church of England in response to a request from t...
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