Common Worship: Festivals Hardback Edition, by Church House Publishing
This volume contains everything needed to celebrate the Saints' days, principal holy days and special occasions in the Church of England calendar. It brings together all the prayers and Collects needed for these days with Eucharistic material and music.
Designed to be used directly at the altar during a Festival celebration of Holy Communion, it also includes Holy Communion Order One in the centre of the book for easy access.
Full contents:
The Calendar
Rules to Order the Christian Year
A variety of prayers for major saints’ days
Collects for minor saints’ days (Lesser Festivals)
Holy Communion Order One
Prayers for groups of saints (‘Common of the Saints’)
Material on themes such as Mission, Church Unity, World Peace and
Social Justice (‘Special Occasions’)
Music for Eucharistic Prayers
Short and extended plainsong prefaces for Festivals, Common of the
Saints and Special Occasions
Format: Hardback
Number of Pages: 512
Published: Feb 2008
Width: 155mm
Height: 250mm