The Preaching Life, by Barbara Brown Taylor
The Preaching Life. Living Out Your Vocation, by Barbara Brown Taylor. A timeless, powerful and beautiful reflection on vocation and priestly life from one of today's most accomplished spiritual writers. This dazzling account of how to live with one foot on earth and one in heaven, and with the double vision that is the gift of faith, is rooted in the notion that the promises we make at baptism, like ordination vows, call us all to make known the good news of God's love in Christ and to celebrate God's presence in the world. It reflects on the indifferent, preoccupied world in which the church finds itself today; the ways that God calls us; how we discern vocation; the language we use about faith; what worship is; how we read the Bible - and how it reads us; the power of the sacraments, and the art of preaching.
Author: Barbara Brown Taylor
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
Published: July 2013
Dimensions: 135 x 216mm