The Lion Wondrous Stories Bible hardback Edition, by Alida Massari & Deborah Lock
SKU LH-9780745979281
An accessible, classic retelling of a wide range of Old and New Testament Bible stories, staying close to the Bible text. Covers many of the books in the Bible to provide a complete story of the wonder, hope and joy of God’s good news. Share the life journeys of those who followed and encounter God in the Bible, a story of a chosen nation, promises fulfilled, the life and teaching of Jesus, the spreading of the good news as early churches became established and the coming of the new kingdom. Includes more than 120 stories with Bible references and an index of people’s names. Accompanied by powerful dramatic illustrations by Alida Massari, these timeless stories can be enjoyed by children reading alone or with the help of an adult.
Author: Alida Massari & Deborah LockFormat: Hardback
Pages: 256
Published: Sept 2021
Dimensions: 166 x 204mm