Daily Prayer and Divine Office, A Short Introduction, by John Francis-Friendship
Daily Prayer and Divine Office offers a simple introduction to a scripture-based form of prayer used by clergy, Religious and some lay people as part of their spiritual discipline. Many are unaware of this structured form of prayer, or think it is not intended for them, and it’s likely that few have received any instruction in its benefits. This book, based on no particular version of the Office, seeks to reveal the riches of this form of prayer for all.
Whilst Anglican and Roman Catholic clergy and most Religious orders are required to pray the Daily/Divine Office, and many laity do so as part of their spiritual discipline, it's likely that few have received any instruction in its benefits or why they should do so. Clergy from other church traditions also find it of benefit or are encouraged to pray the Daily/Divine Office, but most lay people are oblivious to this form of prayer – or think it is not intended for them. This booklet, however, is intended for all, not least those in formation, in order to uncover and understand the riches of this prayer.
John Francis-Friendship entered Religious Life in 1976, after a business career, spending 25 years with the (Anglican) Society of St Francis. During this time he was ordained to the priesthood and, for 10 years, was a parish priest. He is now a member of the Franciscan Third Order and lives with his partner in London whilst continuing to offer a priestly ministry. He leads Quiet Days and Retreats and has published three books.
Author: John Francis-Friendship
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 80
Published: June 2023
Dimensions: 110mm x 178mm