Doorkins Magnificat, Southwark Cathedral, Stained Glass Window Transfer 18.4cm High
Doorkins Magnificat, A most famous cat who used to live at Southwark Cathedral. Given the name Doorkins Magnificat by the Vergers who fed her on a daily basis, Doorkins was very much part of Cathedral life and was popular with the congregation, visitors and staff. A number of visitors came to the Cathedral just to see her and she has even had the honour to entertain HM Queen Elizabeth II. She arrived as a stray cat between Christmas & New Year of 2008, but sadly passed away on the 30th of September 2019, in the arms of one of the Cathedral vergers following a stroke.
Window clings are easy to apply and fully repositionable. Make sure your window or glass is clean and dry, just smooth the Cling onto the glass.
Strong direct sunlight should be avoided.
Size: Height 7.2 Inches (18.4cm) x Width 5.3 Inches (13.5cm)
Made In The UK.