Reading the Bible Through Lent, All Scripture Readings from the Catholic Liturgy, Lectio Divina, by Adrian Graffy
SKU DLT-9781915412089
Reading the Bible Through Lent is the perfect accompaniment to Lenten study and reflection using the scripture readings of the Catholic liturgy. For every day of Lent, it provides the Bible readings for the day (taken from the Revised New Jerusalem Bible), with a short commentary, two questions for personal reflection and two prayers – all written by the Revd Dr Adrian Graffy, a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission – enabling the Bible to be read in the contemplative tradition of Lectio Divina.
All the Lenten scripture readings from the Catholic liturgy, with commentary and guidence for Lectio Divina.
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 176
Published: Nov 2023
Size: Width: 135mm Height: 216mm.