NRSV Giant Print Bible Volume 6. Ezekiel – Malachi, Paperback Edition, by Cambridge Bibles
SKU CUP-Vol-6-9781316602218
Volume 6. Ezekiel – Malachi.
The NRSV Giant-Print Edition was designed to meet the needs of people with visual impairments, and enables many people to maintain their Bible reading. The Bible features extra-large, bold print with generous line spacing, in a typeface chosen for its legibility. The entire Bible comprises eight paperback volumes, printed on standard book paper, with an adhesive binding. Each volume can be purchased individually.
This would be a valuable resource for any church using the NRSV for worship, making services more accessible to those with visual impairments, but it would also be useful for anyone needing larger print for public reading.
Type Size: 18 | 24 Point, Swift
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 594
Date Published: Oct 2016
Dimensions: 156mm x 234mm x 35mm
The NRSV Giant-Print Edition was designed to meet the needs of people with visual impairments, and enables many people to maintain their Bible reading. The Bible features extra-large, bold print with generous line spacing, in a typeface chosen for its legibility. The entire Bible comprises eight paperback volumes, printed on standard book paper, with an adhesive binding. Each volume can be purchased individually.
This would be a valuable resource for any church using the NRSV for worship, making services more accessible to those with visual impairments, but it would also be useful for anyone needing larger print for public reading.
Type Size: 18 | 24 Point, Swift
Page Size: 234mm x 156 mm / 9.25 Inches x 6.25 Inches
Delivery Time 5-7 Working Days
Author: NRSVFormat: Paperback
Page Count: 594
Date Published: Oct 2016
Dimensions: 156mm x 234mm x 35mm