Rooted and Grounded, by Various Authors
Rooted and Grounded. Faith formation and the Christian tradition, by Steven Croft, Alister McGrath, DPhil, and Jennifer Strawbridge. Beginning in New Testament times, there is a time-honoured tradition of forming new Christians in the essentials of faith: catechesis. This volume aims to uncover the riches of this tradition for all who teach and preach the faith today, and well as animate it: St Augustine wrote that joy should be the prime characteristic of those who teach the faith. Six outstanding theologians and historians open up the tradition of catechesis for today's church: * Alister McGrath explores the role of the creeds in catechesis; * Susan Gillingham, Professor of the Hebrew Bible, looks at the Psalms in Christian formation; * Jennifer Strawbridge, Associate Professor of New Testament, reflects on catechesis in the early church; * Carole Harrison, Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, offers lessons from the patristic period; * Sarah Foot, Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History, draws lessons from the Anglo Saxon missions to Europe; * Simon Jones, Chaplain of Merton College and member of the Liturgical Commission, links formation and liturgy; * Steven Croft shows how this great tradition can be revitalised today.