Come Holy Gift Prayer Poems For The Christian Year, by Steven Shakespeare
Reminiscent of Malcolm Guite's bestselling Sounding the Seasons, this beautiful collection offers scripture-inspired poems for each of the major seasons of the Christian year. It includes: * The Call to Prayer (with poetry on the nature of prayer); * Advent, Christmas and Epiphany; * Lent, Easter and Pentecost (including Wings of Wounded Glory, a sequence for Holy Week); * Transforming Ordinary Time (including some feasts which fall outside the major seasons); * In the School of Mary (poetic reflections on Mary, see as a model for prayer, contemplation and prophecy). An introduction considers the relationship between prayer and poetry and offers suggestions for using the book in public and private worship settings, and a closing sequence contemplates Mary as a figure of prayers and witness.
Author: Steven Shakespeare
Format: Paperback
Published: Feb 2022
Number of pages 96
Publisher: Canterbury Press