The Jesus Prayer, Hardback Edition by Simon Barrington-Ward BRF Centenary Classic
ʻLord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.ʼ
This ancient prayer has been known and loved by generations of Christians for hundreds of years. It is a way of entering into the river of prayer which flows from the heart of God: the prayer of God himself, as Jesus continually prays for his people and for the world he loves.
Simon Barrington-Ward teaches us how to use the Jesus Prayer as a devotional practice, and opens up the Bible passages that are crucial to understanding it. ʻWritten out of long experience, Simon Barrington-Ward's book is one of the clearest, practical and most timely introductions available.ʼ David Runcorn, author of Spirituality Workbook: A guide for explorers, pilgrims and seekers
Author: Simon Barrington-Ward
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
Published: May 2022
Dimensions: 130mm x 198mm