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Shrines of Our Lady in England, Hardback Edition by Anne Vail

SKU GW-9780852446034

The Shrines of Our Lady in England. There are more than sixty shrines in honour of Our Lady in England. Most were founded in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, and from the start they were noted places of pilgrimage. The paths worn across the land by the pilgrims’ steps mark England indelibly as Our Lady’s Dowry. Anne Vail has made her own pilgrimage to many of these fascinating places, exploring and recording their history and their spirituality.  Illustrated with he author’s own delightful drawings, here is a highly practical guide to the shrines, including full details of geographical location, public transport, times of services, devotions and pilgrimages, accommodation and other local attractions. Illustrated throughout.

Author: Anne Vail
Format: Hardback
Pages: 264
Published: Jul 2004
Dimensions: Length 210mm x Width 150mm.