St Edmund Pilgrim Badge, Boxed With Brief Historical Descripition
Saint Edmund. The Saxon king Edmund was put to death by the Vikings following his defeat at the battle of Thetford in 869. Traditionally, he is supposed to have surrendered himself in the hope of saving his people, but was killed by being tied to a tree, shot with arrows and then beheaded. Legend says that a wolf found his discarded head, and carrying it followed the funeral procession to Hoxne, where it was re-joined to the body. Following a series of miracles, the king's body was translated to a shrine at Bury where a great Benedictine Abbey was later founded.
Origin and Date: Original found in Salisbury and dates from the 15th century.
Size: Width 16mm x Height 58mm Crowned standing figure holding an arrow across chest.
Fixing / Fastner: Pin and Clutch