The Joy of Mercy, by Pope Francis CTS Books
The Joy of Mercy. Pope Francis gave a series of talks during the Year of Mercy on the theme of Mercy, in which he explores God's unending love for us. ‘Turning our gaze to God, merciful Father, and to our brothers and sisters in need of mercy, means focusing our attention on the essential contents of the Gospel: Jesus, Mercy made flesh, who renders the great mystery of the Trinitarian Love of God visible to our eyes.’ Pope Francis has made mercy a central theme of his pontificate, and in these reflections seeks to explore more deeply God’s mercy and his love for the world. He explores the meaning of mercy from Genesis to the Resurrection and beyond, to the role of God’s people in carrying out works of mercy, asking how we can live mercy, experience it and act as witnesses to God’s mercy in our lives.
Author: CTS Books
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 104
Date Published: Jan 2017
Dimensions: 105mm x 148mm.