Revised Standard Version Catholic Bible, Words of Christ in Red, RSV-CE Deluxe Leatherette Edition by St. Benedict Press
The Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition provides a formal, literal, and readable translation of the Bible suitable for Catholic use. Familiar passages and words are rendered with a Catholic understanding, and the texts are arranged according to the traditional Vulgate's ordering. In addition, this volume has a lectionary with the three-year cycle of readings for the Novus Ordo Missae, as well as full-color maps and family history pages. Perhaps best of all, Our Lord's words in the New Testament are printed in red, so that the reader can better focus on the words of life that lead to eternal salvation.
This deluxe leatherette edition also features a burgundy cover, embossed emblems, gilt edges, and a ribbon marker. The beauty of this Bible will surely heighten your veneration of the Holy Scriptures and render you more disposed to the reception of the word of God.
Author: St Benedict PressFormat: Deluxe Leatherette
Pages: 1547
Published: Jan 2009
Dimensions: 145mm x 215mm