Our Lady of Good Counsel Prayer Candle, Burning Time Approximately 72 Hours
Our Lady of Good Counsel Prayer Candle. Prayer on Reverse reads: "MEMORARE. Remember, O Immaculate Mary Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, that it has never been heard of in any age that such as had recourse to thee, imploring thy help and seeking thy powerful intercession, were ever rejected or refused or abandoned. Inspired with the like, hope, and confidence, I fly to thee, O Mary Virgin Mother of Good Counsel and my Mother; before thy shrine I come, casting myself on my knees, sinful and sorrowful, acknowledging my unworthiness. O Mother of the eternal word made flesh, obtain for me through the whole course of my life, all the graces and blessings I most require, from the sacred and adorable heart of Jesus, my saviour. O Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, reject not my petitions, but mercifully hear and answer me. Amen.
Size: Height 6 Inches x Diameter 2.5 Inches
Burning Time: Approximately 72 Hours