Go In Peace The Art of Hearing Confessions, by Martin L Smith & Julia Gatta
Go In Peace is a unique resource to develop the skills of clergy in exercising pastoral ministry as confessors - ministers of the sacramental Rite of Reconciliation. This book makes available the kind of teaching and coaching that has been done individually and informally to pass on skills and accumulated pastoral wisdom, but has not been widely accessible or well integrated into clergy training. The book provides an overview of the theology and history of the Anglican Rite of Reconciliation and its place in our tradition. The authors discuss and explore the pastoral skills needed in the ministry of reconciliation, its relationship to pastoral counselling, the disciplines of confidentiality and the integration of this ministry into mature priestly identity and spirituality. They offer practical insights into helping people to prepare for the Rite and pastoral guidance for administering the Rite itself. Finally they explore how to offer spiritual guidance that helps people to take God's forgiveness to heart and supports them in their intention to amend their lives.
Author: Martin L Smith & Julia Gatta
Format: Paperback
Pages: 144
Published: Mar 2013
Dimensions: 135mm x 216mm