God's Church in the World The Gift of Catholic Mission, Edited by Susan Lucas
God's Church in the World: The Gift of Catholic Mission presents a confident and joyful assertion of the Catholic character of Christian mission and its sacramental nature, exploring the transforming role the Catholic tradition can play in evangelism. A range of outstanding contributors explore the gifts that the Catholic tradition - formed by a conviction that the presence of Christ in the Eucharist intensifies and motivates an awareness of the sacramental presence of Christ in the world - can bring to the church's engagement with the world. The contributors represent the breadth of Catholic traditions and identities in the Church of England today. Chapters include:
* Mission and the Life of Prayer
* Mission and the Sacraments
* Catholic Mission in Practice
* The Virgin Mary and Mission
* Vocation and Mission
* The Sacraments as Converting Ordinances
* Social Justice and Growth in Anglo-Catholic Churches
* Reflections on Scripture and Catholic Mission
* Catholic Mission: Historical Perspectives
Size: 11 x 135 x 216mm Published June 2020