Transformed By Light The Story of London’s Rosary Shrine Garden, by Joanna Bogle
The Rosary Garden at Haverstock Hill has been planted with flowers chosen specifically for their links with Mary. The path follows a circular route with various Mysteries depicted, and at the heart is a statue of Mary as Our lady of Cana, by American sculptor Cody Swanson. The link with Cana is important, not only because the Marriage at Cana is one of the Luminous Mysteries, but because it was Cana, where the wedding took place ‘on the third day’, that Christ spoke of His ‘time’, His future Death and Resurrection. The creation of a new Rosary Garden in London in the early years of the 21st century, and at a time when England is being re-dedicated to Mary as her dowry, is a statement about the importance of beauty, as well as a practical way of helping us to pray. Colour illustrations by Malcolm Surridge and the Foreword by George Weigel
Author: | Joanna Bogle |
Format: | Paperback |
Page Count: | 98 |
Date Published: | Aug 2020 |
Publisher: | Gracewing |
ISBN: | 9780852446430 |