Wooden Prayer Cube, With 6 Different Prayers 3.5cm / 1.5 Inches Diameter
Solid wood prayer cubes individually boxed. These prayer are great for encouraging children to pray, there are 6 prayers silkscreened onto the wood.
Side 1: Our Father Prayer
Side 2: Serenity Prayer
Side 3: Prayer for Peace (St. Francis Prayer)
Side 4: Prayer of Thanksgiving, Dear God, thank You for Your gift of life, of faith, and of my calling in life. Thank You for the opportunity to serve You in others, especially my loved ones. Father of Jesus and Giver of the Holy Spirit, thank You for making me Your beloved child, now and forever. Amen.
Side 5: Prayer of Praise, O God of Heaven and Earth, it is good to sing Your praises and to bless Your holy name continually. You are always doing great things for all people and the whole earth is full of Your glory! To You be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus, for endless ages. Amen!
Side 6: Prayer For Loved Ones, Dear God, thank You for my loved ones, and for choosing me from all others to love and care for them. Fill me with Your Spirit to share Your warmth and love with my dear ones, and bless them with Your joy, peace, and grace. May we come someday as one family to live with You forever in heaven. Amen.
Size: 37mm / 1.5 Inches Diameter