KJV Concord Reference Bible, Black Calf Split Leather, Red-letter Text, Thumb Index, by Cambridge Bibles
The Concord Reference Bible presents the King James Version of the Bible in a clear and readable typeface. This edition offers a wealth of reference material in a real leather binding – a glossary, concordance, dictionary of names and phrases, colour maps and gazetteer. Bold-figure cross-references link passages of the text without cluttering the page. The words of Christ are printed in red. There is a presentation page and family record section. The Bible is printed on India paper with gilt edges and bound with two ribbon markers in attractive calf split leather. This Concord Reference Bible has a thumb index – a traditional reading aid seldom found in modern Bibles.
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India paper
Thumb index
Red-letter text
Cambridge bold-figure cross-reference system
Pronunciation marks
Translators’ Preface
15 colour maps and gazetteer
Presentation page and 6 family record pages
Two ribbon markers
Gilt edges
Typography: approx. 8 | 9 Point, Times Semi-Bold 421
Author: Cambridge University Press King James Version
Format: Leather / Fine Binding
Page Count: 1556
Date Published: Sep 2011
Dimensions: 160mm x 230mm x 40mm