The Three Holy Kings, by Hugh Mountney
The Three Holy Kings. The story of the Three Kings is an integral and popular part of the modern celebration of Christmas, but devotion to the Magi, or Wise Men of the East, can be traced back to the beginnings of the Christian church - in Rome to the second century, and in England at least to Saxon times. The bones of the Three Kings, discovered in the fourth century were first brought to Constantinople, then in 1164 the relics were given to the Archbishop of Cologne and since that time they have been venerated in a shrine behind the high altar of Cologne Cathedral. Hugh Mountney explores this wonderful and fascinating story and the devotion to the Three Kings across the centuries. With illustrations.
Author: Hugh Mountney
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 64
Published: Oct 2003
Dimensions: 138mm x 218mm