Celebrating the Christian Year - Volume 2 Prayers and Resources for Sundays and Holy Days, by Alan Griffiths
Celebrating the Christian Year is a three-volume collection of resources for the Sundays and festivals of the Church's Year. This second volume covers Lent, Easter and Pentecost, providing elegant forms of words for the variable parts of seasonal services, from opening prayers to Collects, Gospel acclamations, prayers over gifts, Eucharistic prefaces and final blessings. It includes traditional and contemporary prayers from a wide range of sources, covering: • Proper Texts for all services and events during Lent and Easter • Texts for Saturday Evening Prayer / a Sunday Vigil • The Vigils of Ascension Day and Pentecost • Eucharistic material for Ash Wednesday • The Way of the Cross • A Litany of Forgiveness • The Service of Tenebrae.
Author: Alan Griffiths
Format: Hardback
Number of Pages 256
Published: Jan 2005
Size: 216mm high x 135mm wide.