Poland, A Pilgrim's Companion, by David Baldwin
Poland: A Pilgrim's Companion. Pope Francis urges us all on pilgrimage. Pilgrims to Poland, whether to World Youth Day 2016 or elsewhere, will benefit from this combination of spiritual food and practical information. A brief survey of Poland’s history and Christianity precedes detailed visits: to Kraków, the Royal Cathedral and the Old Town, the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy, the Nowa Huta and Salt Mines; to Wadowice, the town of St John Paul II, the Kalwaria Sanctuary, and to the shrine of Czestochowa. Finally, to Auschwitz and to deeper reflection on the need for mercy and reconciliation.
Author: David Baldwin
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
Published: Jan 2016
Dimensions: 105mm x 148mm