NRSV Large-Print Text Bible, Black French Morocco Leather Edition, New Revised Standard Version, by Cambridge Bibles
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SKU CUP-NR693:T-9781108411004
The NRSV Large-Print Text Edition offers the Bible reader the comfort of large, bold print that is beautifully clear and easy to read. It uses the Anglicised NRSV text which adopts British usage for spelling, punctuation, phrasing and grammar. This Bible contains the Old and New Testaments, and is bound in black French Morocco leather with a presentation page, gold page edges and a ribbon marker.
Offers extra-large, bold print for easy reading
Uses British spelling and punctuation
Bound in black leather with gold page edge
Type Size: 13 Point Karmina
Author: NRSV
Format: Leather / fine binding
Page Count: 1664
Date Published: Jun 2018
Dimensions: 192mm x 257mm x 43mm