Apocrypha, King James Version (KJV) Hardback Edition, by Cambridge Bibles
SKU CUP-KJ530:A-9780521506748
The KJV Apocrypha in a single volume. The Apocrypha ('hidden things') are contemporaneous with the Old Testament. The writings of the Apocrypha run the whole gamut of literary genres: histories, romances, devotional works, proverbs and sermons. Many complement parts of the Old Testament and readers will recognise some familiar Biblical characters in the narratives, such as Daniel and Esther.
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Typography: 7 | 7 Point, Times Semi-bold 421
Page size: 195 x 125 mm (7.6 x 5 inches)
Author: Cambridge University Press King James Version
Format: Hardback
Page Count: 159
Date Published: Aug 1983
Dimensions: 133mm x 202mm x 11mm