Large Print Rosary Book, by CTS Books Multi Buy Offers Available
Large Print Rosary Book. Meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary in larger print for the visually impaired. This publication also explains the practical steps of saying the Rosary, with helpful instructions and all the various prayers that are used. The booklet contains scripture passages to aid contemplation of each of the Mysteries, including the recently introduced Mysteries of Light (or Luminous Mysteries).This new Rosary book responds to John Paul II's call to rediscover the Rosary. The inspired recommendations of his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae (2002) are woven throughout. A final section considers why it is important to rediscover the Rosary.
Author: C.T.S Books
Format: Paperback
Pages: 67
Published: Jan 2004
Dimensions: 105mm x 148mm