Funeral Prayer Cards Pack of 50
Funeral Prayer Cards. By Paul Sheppy. At the end of life, when people come to a funeral, it may be the first time that they have entered a church or chapel for years. These simple cards with a profound Christian message are designed to be taken away by visitors. Inexpensive enough to place on seats or in pews, they carry the comforting words from the Psalm 46.1 and the gospel of Matthew 11:28. The prayer text......"We offer you our sympathy, praying that God will strengthen and comfort you in days ahead. We come to remember one we have loved and to give thanks for all that has been good. We come to commend the dead and living to God's care and protection. We come to find hope for the future. "Be a light for me O God in dark days, Amen".
Size: 150mm x 150mm. Pack Of 50 Cards.