For Peace and For Good, by Helen Stanton
For Peace and For Good. A History of the Community of St. Francis, by Helen Stanton. For Peace and For Good is the history of the influential Anglican religious order, the Community of St Francis. Written with the full co-operation of the community, it sets their story against the wider backdrop of the lives of St Clare and St Francis, and the extraordinary surge of women's vocations to the religious life during the Catholic revival in the Church of England. It explores the lives of its founding members, its growth, the various branch houses, and the work and ministries in which they engaged in response to God's call. First-hand accounts by Sisters bring to vivid life the story of a community responding with courage and imagination to the needs, opportunities and challenges of their times. Their stories provide significant insight and inspiration into what Christian discipleship might need to look like in the twenty-first century. Paperback Edition. Number of Pages 224.