Living the Story - The Ignatian Way of Prayer and Scripture Reading, by Joe Cassidy and Ann Loades
Poetry and story can tell the deepest truths about who we are as human beings. In Living the Story, Joe Cassidy explores how Ignatian spirituality can help us discover the power of story in the scriptures. An essential tool in spiritual direction and personal prayer, Ignatian spirituality has helped readers imaginatively engage with the Bible for more than 500 years. Joe Cassidy outlines the Ignatian method of prayer and scripture reading and offers his own beautiful reflections on Bible passages, each the result of prayerful and imaginative contemplation. A Jesuit priest who became an Anglican, one of Joe's passions was to share the spiritual riches of his Ignatian tradition with the Church of England. He completed most of this work before his death. It has been finished by Ann Loades, who has drawn on his other unpublished writings to complete this work.
Author: Joe Cassidy and Ann Loades
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages 128
Published: Apr 2020
Size: 216mm high x 135mm wide.