Ephraim's Gladness, by Madeleine Carroll and Randy Friemel
He ran the last few steps to the inn, squeezed between his friends, and came face to face with a very newly born Baby Boy:face to face with the young Lamb of God, the Good Shepherd, the King of the Universe. And Ephraim was glad. ".....
Ephraim's Gladness is a story of a shepherd who loses and then finds one of his sheep, whilst also discovering the most wonderful Treasure in a stable near his home. This story is a twist on the parable of The Good Shepherd and the Nativity story, and includes the quotations from Luke: 2, 8-18 and Luke: 15,3-7 to encourage children to read the Bible stories themselves, and become more and more familiar with God's Word. Beautifully illustrated throughout by Randy Friemel
Author: Madeleine Carroll
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 28
Published: Aug 2023
Dimensions: 208mm x 208mm