Praying the Great O Antiphons, by Katy Carl
In the final days of Advent, the Church recites the Great O Antiphons when the Magnificat is prayed at Vespers each evening. These antiphons refer to Christ under seven great titles: Wisdom (Sapientia), Lord Most High (Adonai), Root of Jesse (Radix Jesse), Key of David (Clavis David), Dayspring (Oriens), King of Nations (Rex Gentium), and God With Us (Emmanuel). Katy Carl contemplates each of these titles, drawing on art, literature, and Sacred Scripture to show how they tell the story of Jesus Christ, the Babe of Bethlehem. These meditations will help anyone who wants to pray the O Antiphons with greater devotion and to make space in the final busy days of Advent for spiritual preparation to welcome the infant Christ at Christmas.
Author: Katy CarlFormat: Paperback
Published: Oct 2021
Number of Pages: 88
Publisher: C.TS Books