Holy Luck, by Eugene H. Peterson
Holy Luck, Poems of the Kingdom. By Eugene H. Peterson. In this collection of captivating and striking poems, the acclaimed writer Eugene Peterson explores the unexpected nature of the kingdom of God, its reversals and surprises. Arising out of his vocation as a pastor, these poems invite a radical renewal of our imaginations and show us how to embrace and live a holy life. Seventy poems are arranged in three parts: Holy Luck is based on the Beatitudes, a declaration of independence from the usual ways of the world, and an orientation to the wholly different values of the kingdom of God. The Rustling Grass includes poems that uncover the kingdom of God in the ordinary and the everyday. Smooth Stones attends to the grace and mystery awaiting discovery in the times and seasons of our lives and loves. Number of Pages 104 Paperback Edition. Size: 216mm high x 135mm wide x 6mm depth.