Celebrating Sunday Evening Prayer
Celebrating Sunday Evening Prayer. Author(s): The Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales. A complete resource for Sunday Evening Prayer in the Roman Catholic Church, containing orders of service, music, seasonal variations and full liturgical instructions. Contents include: * An introduction to preparing, celebrating and adapting Evening Prayer * Hymn suggestions * Opening Rite * Psalms * New Testament Canticles * Responses * Arrangements of the Magnificat * Intercessions * Planning sheets * Calendar * Model Liturgies The accompanying CD-ROM contains the text of the book and standard templates for the production of local service sheets, ensuring uniformity of style and presentation wherever the book is used. This volume has been prepared and authorised by The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales.
Authors: The Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales
Format: Hardback
Number of Pages 160
Published: Jul 2006
Size: 297mm high x 210mm wide.