Crafts for Creative Worship, By Jan Brind & Tessa Wilkinson
SKU CP-9781848250048
Crafts for Creative Worship, By Jan Brind & Tessa Wilkinson. This resource is full of simple ideas for making things to enrich the great celebrations of the church year: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost and other seasonal celebrations along the way such as Mothering Sunday and Harvest; paper banners and altar frontals, gift bags full of reminders of the season for everyone to take home; and, paper kites and doves and balloons for Pentecost, for example, simple recipes for festive treats, easy songs and rounds that can be learnt on the spot and sung by all ages. It is now reissued with a downloadable CD-ROM which includes the templates and instructions for all artwork. Paperback 224 Pages.