Beauty Beyond Words
Beauty Beyond Words.Enriching Worship Through Music. Author: Lionel Dakers. Since Old Testament times, vocal music has been integral to worship, yet music is not an end in itself: its purpose is to enrich the words we use in worship - the Psalms and other biblical texts, the liturgy, hymns, the prayers of the Church from ancient times to the present day. All human language fails to encompass what we know about God, yet Awn-chosen music can transform even our faltering expressions of faith or longing and it is often through good tunes that the words of hymns lodge in mind and heart, becoming a hidden yet constant source of spiritual nurture.Thc power of music is such that when poorly chosen or badly performed, it can just as easily can detract from or even destroy an act of worship. Beauty Beyond Words demonstrates through many practical examples how music can be used to enrich worship. A survey of the best hymn tunes, anthems and psalm settings guides the church musician or worship leader through the enormous - and very mixed - range of music on offer today. Helpful performance notes will be of particular relevance to singers and music directors. This valuable book will enhance the skills and build the confidence of all church musicians and singers and will be especially welcomed by those who hold the responsibility of creating services which are honouring to God and uplifting for everyone concerned. Please Note: This is a print on demand book. Delivery time approximatly 10 days.