All Aboard the Ark, Which Animals will Make it onto Noah's Floating Zoo? by Roger McGough
A witty and amusing take on the story of Noah by Roger McGough - one of the world's favourite children's poets. Cats and dogs and elephants
Slugs, leopards and lice
Giraffes and armadillos
Buffaloes, bedbugs and mice. . .
Fish will be able to fend for themselves
and besides, a wooden ark
is not the sort of place to keep
a whale or angry shark
Find out why Noah builds a floating zoo and saves the animals in this world-famous story, retold by one of world’s favourite poets.
This amusing take on an age-old tale will delight children aged 4-8, as will the charming illustrations on every page.
Grown-ups will also find this fun-filled and light-hearted version of Noah's adventure a refreshing change from the more traditional retellings currently on offer.
Author: Roger McGough
Format: Hardback
Number of Pages: 32
Published: Aug 2023
Dimensions: 250mm x 250mm