Scripturae Sacrae Affectus, On the 1600th anniversary of the death of St Jerome, by Pope Francis
In this Apostolic Letter, Pope Francis commemorates the life and works of the great Doctor of the Church and translator of the Sacred Scriptures, St Jerome, who died sixteen centuries ago, in AD420. His “living and tender love” for the written word of God continues to inspire us in an age when “sadly, the richness of Scripture is neglected or minimised by many because they were not afforded a solid grounding in this area. Together with a greater emphasis on the study of Scripture in ecclesiastical programmes of training for priests and catechists, efforts should also be made to provide all the faithful with the resources needed to be able to open the sacred book and draw from it priceless fruits of wisdom, hope and life.” (SCRIPTURAE SACRAE AFFECTUS)
Author: Pope Francis
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 48
Published: Oct 2021
Dimensions: 105mm x 148mm